Elementor | WooCommerce | WpBakery | API Development
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I have built over 100 WordPress websites over the last 15 years. I know that WordPress has no limits and how to get the best out of it. Powering a third of the internet, WordPress is one of the most recognizable and popular publishing platforms for blogs and websites.
WordPress is known for being extremely user friendly. The website design interface is intuitive and you won’t need advanced technical knowledge to use it.
Some of the most commonly asked WordPress website builder questions.
Aside from being the most popular CMS world wide, WordPress has endless bolt on features called plugins. Custom functionality is easy to incorporate into your site. And finally, WordPress is endlessly scalable and will grow with your business.
WooCommerce is the go to plugin for eCommerce sites; a simple to use and scalable plugin that offers endless integrations and functionality that works with most third party software.
Yes absolutely. I have never has any security issues with WrordPress. My managed hosting package includes keeping the site spoftware up-to-date. More larger sites there numerous free and paid-for plugins that prevent attack and keep your site safe.
Indepth discussion with client to understand business goals and objectives. From here quote on website build with an outline plan for growth and development.
Agree a time scale for the build and allocate tasks between both parties.
We build, populate and style your website. We offer you administrator training and make any amendments requested.
Site testing will be conducted on various devices and emulators to guarantee a successful launch, along with discussions regarding potential future marketing strategies.
Anson Marketing is committed to supporting you in the years ahead by introducing new features and assisting you in promoting your website.
An integrated, strategic marketing agency with over 27 years’ experience. With a broad client base in both the Public and Private sectors including Health & Social Care, Tourism, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Travel, Life Sciences and Retail.
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